Saturday, October 7, 2017

Weighing in on Gun Control

I’ll start by saying that some of the ideas and suggestions I have may already be in place.  I’ll also state that I am unfamiliar with current gun laws and regulations.  These are just my ideas and viewpoints in response to gun control.

OK, so, here we go.  Everyone is talking about stricter gun laws in the wake of the most recent massacre in Las Vegas. So, what laws do we currently have in place now? Background checks? Permits and licensing? Are there laws that limit the size and power a gun can wield?  As I mentioned earlier, I’m not sure what’s in place right now.  I do know that you need a license and or permit to carry a handgun; and one doesn’t need one to carry a shotgun or rifle.  Beyond that, not much more.

So how do we “control” guns.  Let's start by paralleling the manufacture of guns with the manufacture of automobiles. Every American built vehicle or vehicle sold in the US must have a vehicle identification number also known as the VIN. Also, not all vehicles manufactured in the world are legal to the US. Either due to their lack of environmental concern with having no emission controls, or flat out irresponsible fuel economy regulations.
So like I mentioned earlier, we eliminate automatic and semi-automatic guns being built in the US and prohibit them from coming into the US by law. We mandate that all gun manufacturers stamp each and every rifle, shotgun, and handgun with their own ID number. Those numbers are then recorded and logged to the receiving dealer. Every dealer must be licensed with the state and with the federal government.
This is very similar to how automobile dealers must be registered and receive their inventory.
Now about the types of guns allowed. No civilian American needs to be armed with anything other than a handgun, rifle, or shotgun. All single shot arms. Those are sufficient enough for hunting game and protecting one’s person and personal property. Anything more would be used for law enforcement and military use. One does not need to defend themselves with an automatic assault rifle. Each and every gun owner must sign and pay for registration of each gun with an id number. Just like your vehicle. Every year you must prove ownership of those guns by again paying for registration. Again, just like your vehicle. Once you purchase a gun, you are given a state issued document with the id number. Let’s just call this the title. The title must remain with the owner and registered gun until the owner sells or gives away the gun. In the same manner as a vehicle, the title must be signed off and registered with the new owner by either another dealer or a notary and then re-registered with the state. The difference with registration would be each owner would be required to register each year. If owner fails to register, fines can be assessed. If owner still fails to register, owner can be arrested and warrants granted to repossess or confiscate guns. Confiscated guns can then go to auction where only dealers may purchase. All this equates to added revenue for the states and complete control by the government.
All owners must go through the same checks as we have in place now, however they will now include shotguns and rifles.  All gun owners must go through a gun test in order to get licensed and you must have a license to buy any gun.  A person may not be allowed to own a gun or be fully licensed under 18.  Any person between 13 and 17 may register for a junior license which would allow them to handle and discharge a gun only in the supervision of a fully licensed owner.  Again, all this being similar to how driver’s licensing works.

Here’s the more difficult part to manage.  All persons possessing any gun must get licensed.  This would produce increased gun control enforcement, specifically during hunting season.  If gun control enforcement identifies people possessing a gun without a license, they will be immediately fined.  Again, failure to pay fines would result in imprisonment and confiscation.
If you want gun control, it has to start now!!  And it has to be aggressive and strict.  People don’t own and drive army tanks to work, so why should they own a semi or automatic gun?
Will people be upset?  You betcha!!  Most likely they will be livid to the point of protest.  It just needs to be done.  Best of all, after all of this is enforced, you still don’t take away the right to bear arms.

Let’s go back to my opening statement when I said to get rid of automatic and semi-automatic guns.  This only happens over time.  Most of this happens during criminal raids and arrests.  Confiscated illegal weapons would be stamped with ID’s (if not already present), registered with the government and put into government holding.  Legal guns would go through the same process with the exception of the guns would be stamped, registered with a title and taken to auction to be sold to dealers.  Elimination of these weapons would also eliminate the discussion of “bump stocks” and other means to manipulate semi-automatic guns.

Is there still going to be illegal and unregistered guns on the streets?  Yep!  Heroin and meth are illegal, yet there are still people overdosing in epidemic proportions.  Grand theft auto still exists!  Chop shops are still around striping VIN’s, cars and selling parts.  It’s gonna happen!  But this enforcement greatly reduces the possibilities of future catastrophes.

  • All current gun owners must register their guns and guns stamped with ID’s if not present
  • All current gun owners 18 yrs old and over must get licensed in order to own or purchase  a gun
  • Jr licenses to be issued to gun operators ages 13-17 only with a signature of a fully licensed owner
  • All registrations must be renewed annually
  • Stamped ID to distinguish between government/military and civilian use
  • Immediately make any semi-automatic and automatic gun illegal
  • Enforce illegal guns and their owners with heavy fines and/or imprisonment and confiscations
  • Confiscations of illegal guns to be permanently impounded.
  • Confiscations of legal guns (due to failed registration) to be auctioned off to dealers only
  • Dealers to be registered with local and Federal government
  • Dealers to be held accountable to inventory and proper sales and registration of arms
  • Manufacturers to ID and assign all arms a certificate of origin
  • Certificates to become a legal document (title) by the state once a gun is sold
  • Fines and imprisonment in addition to confiscation of guns to be imposed on owners who fail to register
  • Hunting licenses may not be issued without gun license numbers
  • Enforcement to include fines and imprisonment to non-licensed owners

These laws all can parallel the motor vehicle laws.  Special licenses can also be issued to owners of larger caliber guns for the purpose of exotic game hunting such as African game.

This is the majority of what’s on my mind. Sorry this post isn't more refined. i just wanted to get this out as quickly as possible.

Thank you,

David Smith
US Citizen, Veteran, and gun toting Republican

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