Tuesday, October 14, 2014

"Phablet, Schmablet" -- I'm in!

I've always been a Techie.  Back in Jr. High I was always finding myself drawn to the new computer lab every study hall and free opportunity I could find.  Back then, computers were rare for student use.  The old Apple II's were mainly used for word processing and for the basics of learning the programming language.  Word processing never interested me; it was the machine itself and what it could do.  I quickly figured out the programming language as well as the source codes.  I was able to manipulate the code to make the computer do what I wanted it to do.  This led to lots of fun at the expense of other students as well as teachers.  I know what you are thinking, and yes, I became a hacker at the age of 12.  Although I couldn't bring myself to performing any malicious acts, I did find myself being banned from the computer room when I programmed a computer to unload all the printer paper from the printer when any unsuspecting person performed a set of keystrokes.

It wasn't until my parents decided to purchase our very first home computer that I really stopped "hacking".  The computer that we got was a Tandy 1000.  Since I had only known the code for Apple machines, I was unable to "crack" the code on this IBM based computer.  As much as I tried I couldn't figure it out.  This in turn led me to physically open up the computer to learn how it worked.  I managed to successfully disassemble and reassemble the entire machine.  This opened up my fascination with the hardware aspect of computers and the electronics that made them work.  I would eventually join the Navy to learn about high end electronics on government defense systems.  And from there I even started my own computer service company.
Casio Cassiopeia E-105 circa 2000
During my time with the computer company, technology had really evolved from the early days of PC's.  Tech was getting smaller and yet more powerful.  Soon, I found myself intrigued by the latest technology in PDA's.  It was in 1999 that I decided to purchase my first handheld computer, the Cassiopeia E-105.  This little device accomplished nearly everything I wanted in a portable computer.  It was my calendar, calculator, media player, word processor, and even my web browser.  However, I wanted it to do more.  Back then, I had envisioned that little device with the ability to make phone calls as well.  I would often hold the E-105 to my head simulating an actual conversation.  Not knowing it at the time but that technology was already available in the Nokia 9000 Communicator.  In 1996, that Nokia "PDA Phone" was the first of what we now call "Smartphones".

It wouldn't be until about 10 years later that I would finally get my first smartphone, the Blackberry Curve 8330.  Today, the "smartphone" is the device of choice the world over.  With the ever growing smartphone market, more and more companies are producing their own phones in order to compete in this market segment.  Every year these devices continue to get bigger and more powerful.  And, every year since my first Blackberry, I've watched and waited for the next best phone to arrive.  Just about every opportunity that has come along as a phone upgrade to my carrier contract, I've taken it.  I've now owned a Blackberry Curve, Blackberry Bold, Samsung Galaxy S2 and currently a Samsung Galaxy S3 (I actually hijacked my wife's available upgrade in order to get the GS3...Sorry Honey, I just had to have it).   My wife did finally get her own upgrade in the form of a Galaxy S4 mini.  But this also marks the longest time I've had a phone without jumping in to the latest and greatest thing.

So let me tell you why I still have the phone I have.  You see, personal computing has always been the thing for me.  Since acquiring the GS3 I've actually used it more like a mini computer than like a phone.  I purchased a mini keyboard and a mouse in order to achieve a computer feel to it.  I use Google Docs and Sheets on my phone and save all my work to Google Drive.  I read and compose all my email through my phone as well.  Navigating the Web...yep, through my phone.  My GS3 has more than enough hardware resources to do what I want it to do, thus the reason I haven't upgraded yet.  The only drawback to this "setup" is the screen size.  As a phone, the 4.7" display is quite large, but using it the way I do the 4.7" display becomes a tiny and very difficult to read "computer screen".  So why not get a Tablet computer, you ask?  Good question!  Although a tablet would provide a larger viewing area, it doesn't allow for "cellular" communication.  It really doesn't make sense for me to get a second device to do what one should be able to do.

Enter the world of "Phablets".  I remember when the Blackberry Playbook first entered the market.  I was on the brink of getting one, but just never pulled the trigger.  If the Playbook could have replaced my phone, then that would have made sense.  Again, I just couldn't see adding more devices to accomplish the same tasks that my smartphone could perform.  So, within the last two or three years, Samsung introduced their Galaxy Note line of phones.  This Galaxy Note was huge in terms of cell phones!  And it was with this phone that the term "Phablet" first entered our vocabulary.  A device that combines a cell PHone and a small tABLET into one.  Unfortunately, I was already into a new contract with the GS3 that I couldn't make the switch (or else I would have).  So, I waited.  Although I've been eligible for an upgrade for some time now, I'm still waiting for that "perfect" phone to emerge that combines the largest display area with what they call "flagship" specs.  I considered getting the Samsung Galaxy Mega as this has a huge 6.3" screen, however the hardware performance of this phone isn't nearly good enough as I had hoped it would be.

Rumors and leaks have been circulating now for the last several weeks about the next Google Nexus phone.  Google has partnered with different phone manufacturers over the years to produce their Nexus phones.  The rumors state that the next Nexus (6 or X) is about to be announced.  Speculation has it that this phone will have all the "bells and whistles" of a flagship device pairing it with a screen size of 5.92".  If this is actually the case when it is officially announced, then I'm ALL IN!  What's more exciting is that Google has always brought their Android operating systems to their phones as just that... pure Android operating systems.  Unlike Samsung, HTC and others that provide a unique user interface that runs over top of Android, Google rids this extra and mostly unnecessary software to provide a true Android experience.

In my opinion, the "Phablet" market is only just beginning.  As you troll the internet and look at all the market research you will find that globally, the phablet segment continues to gain in popularity by the percentage of device users, year over year.  And now, for the first time, Apple has embarked on paving new ground with their own large screened iPhones.  More specifically, if the iPhone 6 Plus takes off, we are going to see a "Phablet" revolution.  I forsee that 6" phablets will be the norm.  Don't get me wrong here...the smaller smartphones aren't going away.  Like my wife who prefers the smaller handset to mostly talk and text, the 4" - 5" smartphones are going to be a more viable option for those who do just that; talk and text.  But for those power and tech hungry users who want to maximize performance and flexibility in one device, then the phablet is the way to go.

Within the last few months I've been teased by the newer phones being released like the LG G Flex, the LG G3, the Samsung Galaxy Note 4, and the iPhone 6 Plus (all of which have at least a 5.5" screen).  Now, I wait with anticipation to see if all the rumors are true about the new Nexus 6/X.  Are you waiting for the next great device?  Are you a tech nut like me?  Or, are you happy with the size and capabilities of your phone right now?  ARE YOU IN?

Weigh in with your thoughts and leave a comment below.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Hawk Mountain, Pa

Marie, Michaela and I at the "North Lookout"

I grew up in a small little town on the northeast side of Douglassville, Pa.  Our house was located on the bottom side of "Rattlesnake Hill".  Our 2-3 acres of property were surrounded by wooded land, what I liked to call "the forest".  Wildlife was a common thing around our house.  Nearly everyday there would be sights of deer, wild turkey, pheasant, grouse, skunk, groundhog, snakes and the very common sight of buzzards flying overhead.

A view from "Appalachian Lookout" 9/27/14.
Growing up as a young boy I would wander off and "explore" the world around me.  I would find myself trying to navigate into "the forest" as far as I could, paving my own trails, and trying not to get lost or stuck.  Although I did have my fearful "not making it home alive" moments, I enjoyed the thrill of traversing new land.  The more I conquered, the more courageous I became.  I decided to venture out even more by walking up the local road to the rocky hillside of Rattlesnake Hill.  It was here where my love for climbing and hiking began.  I wanted to see what was on the other side of that hill!  I began at the rocky and wooded base and climbed the side of the very rocky hill until I reached the top.  Once I reached the top, I found out that there was whole lot more there than I could handle.  The ridge that I was actually standing on continued for what seemed like miles of just dense trees.  The backside of the hill was nothing but boulders and rocks cascading down to what appeared to be a lake of trees.  In reality this hill was probably just a walk in the park for most experienced hikers,
Michaela and I reaching the "3/4 Lookout"
 on the Escarpment Trail 10/3/14.
but from a young boy's eyes, this was huge, and a challenge for another day!

As time went on, more important things in life took precedence like baseball and basketball, riding bicycles, girls, school, learning to drive, jobs, and family.  Although I never did go back to challenge more of Rattlesnake Hill, the memories of it are forever embedded in my mind.

Today, I can share the joy and thrills of hiking and climbing as we journey through the scenic and beautiful Hawk Mountain countryside.  Although Marie and I have been here before, it was Michaela's first time visiting the mountain on September 27th.  I was off the weekend and we were undecided how to spend the beautiful fall Saturday afternoon.  We finally just decided to take the trip to Hawk Mountain.  It wasn't until we started hiking up "Lookout Trail" when Michaela began getting very excited.  We proceeded to stop at every lookout and overlook at her request to view and spot any bird we could find.  It was here that she fell in love with hiking and climbing!  The following Friday, Michaela had an early dismissal from school.  The only thing she wanted to do, was take another trip to Hawk Mountain.  Of course, I obliged!  We had what she calls a "Triple D" (Daddy, Daughter Day or in this case, a half a day).  Once we were there on the trail, I challenged Michaela to take the more difficult "Escarpment Trail".  She almost didn't want to do it after seeing the steep rock climb to start the first leg of the trail.  She did it anyway and she conquered it!  It was a proud moment for both of us!  Now she looks forward to going back again, and has planned out our next trail adventure.

I am very proud of both Marie and Michaela for taking and completing the challenge of hiking the Hawk Mountain trails.  And, I look forward to making many more memorable moments with them both!